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Cerca de la Naturaleza...
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23 jul 2008

The Dark Forest or Forest Energy

The Forest Miramar (Bosque Vivero de Miramar), better known as "Vivero Municipal Dunícola Florentino Ameghino" extends for a long and wide stretch of coast Native from Miramar.
It was planted in order to fix the dunes, which are constantly moved by the strong coastal winds.
He settled primarily a forest of conifers, heavily forested and large, near the sea.
That first afforestation served as a shelter for many other species of plants and animals also (those interested can obtain information on the Administration of nursery) that were adapted to this particular maritime climate and sandy soil, producing a variety of beautiful colors that make the delight of painters, photographers and nature lovers.
This is particularly natural setting of unusual beauty, where there is a place where people have different experiences to the rest of the Forest, so it installs a "myth", constantly fed by many anecdotes about the enigmatic properties there.
In a place called before "The Dark Forest" (no longer), so impervious to sunlight, even on sunny days more intense, this dark, quiet, cool, moist, heavily oxygenated by vegetation, saturated smells wild, some people, sensitive or not, enjoyed experiences interesting, intriguing, exciting and reassuring.
This place, with both individuals and their "indefinite properties", caught the attention of people of every kind, curious, artists, psychics, as well as members of the national and international scientific community, which began to carry out studies on the place 1954, obtaining interesting results, which led to further investigation until today looking for answers to their many questions.
Some of the particularities registered varied over time are, for example, that the former small radios were not working within its perimeter, running smoothly beyond it, suggesting that the particularity is at that site, and not throughout the forest, pointing out this fact alone, for some, the presence of some kind of electromagnetic anomaly.
Unobjectionable People were surprised to see small silhouettes fugitive wander among the foliage, which defined as "gnomes".
Other recorded the presence of strange lights and cameras in their contours or video cameras, not with his view previously appreciated.
Eventually, the perceived noise recorders, which were not heard at the time of recording.
Others say having obtained relief from their ills, disease or infirmity, after some time stay there. (Changes bioenergy and fitoenergéticos)
Also persons whose seriousness is beyond doubt, saw through the foliage as "the sun balance" in a strange movement.
Some nights you can see lights moving through the air.
We can continue enunciating a long list of many other "oddities" that go far beyond balancing sticks.
Various scenarios were established to try to explain the large number of phenomena of all kinds contributing to this site, since the presence of a meteorite buried deeply, through streams telluric, ionization environmental, energy quantum Indian cemetery, and so on. Others simply attribute this to the peace of the place and the fresh air.
For now, the real cause remains a mystery, and magnetic anomalies of all kinds will continue, people continue to enjoy interesting experiences from the physical to the psychological, and the Forest Energy remains stubbornly hiding their enigma.
We believe our duty to preserve it intact for future generations, which is why their use is restricted to vehicles and horseback riding, recommending remain silent, not to cut branches, not playing ball or do anything that might impact the environment of very special place .

Lic. Oscar De Noia

If you want us to leave their experience, anyone who has been, please contact us your feedback will help us to compile statistics on them (bosque.energetico.xtrekking@gmail.com). Please indicate name, date, a telephone or mail where you can communicate with you.

Thank you.

Visit the Forest Energy Miramar!

A fascinating experience traveling in the circuit trekking within the Forest Nursery Miramar a path that puts you in touch with nature and green ...
To live, to learn and go, contact us!

(02291) 154 53 132 (GUI)

Every Sunday we go out of Las Dunas Complex (Miramar) at 15:00 pm.
Wear comfortable shoes and clothing, mineral water in sufficient quantities ... and are keen to discover a unique attraction in our country!

Contact us to live this experience will move you!

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